Animations drawn frame by frame in Procreate and video edited in DaVinci Resolve.

“Worst Case Scenario” - Melanoma awareness corto

“Dillo al Mondo” album cover design for the Italian singer “Il Vento”

“Nostalgic Dream”

"Little women" illustration made for the book "The Puglieser - Christmas edition

"Hot Chocolate"

"Flying in the Storm" piece created based on the novel of Ursula K. Le Guin "The Fliers of Gy"

"Sinestesia di Polignano" illustration made for the online magazine ThePuglieser


Tide of Tears
"Tide of Tears"

"Sweet coffee"

"Thinking flow"




Illustration for the redesign project 
"They call me Trinity"

Illustration for the children's book project 
"The Red Seeker"

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